If you are like me and you use Panic’s Coda as your main IDE for all your WordPress-based development. You are really missing out if you haven’t added the following functionality to your Coda installation. Once you install the syntax file you will have the benefit of “auto-complete” while you are working with your WordPress-based files.
It’s very easy to install, you just need to do three things:
- First download the syntax file from HitchHackerGuide, and then unzip the file.
- Copy the unzipped folder (PHP-HTML-WP.mode) to the Coda Modes folder. ~/Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes/ (If your computer doesn’t have this folder, you can simple create it.)
- Now go the the Preferences of Coda and change the “Default File Type” to PHP-HTML-WP. And now you are good to go.